Training Bingo

If your buttcrack were horizontal, it would clap when you go down stairs... , by


Sponsored Lunch

Danielle mentions goats

Video doesn't load, we get the point

Painful social activity

Breathing exercise

"Celina Campus"

Ridiculous dance to "get moving to"

Jayme is overachiever

Short potty break for 50 women

Someone shows up with McDonald's/donuts and starbucks

The phone pledge that will, inevitably, be broken

Someone falls asleep

Someone has coloring/sudoku

Someone dress too fancy

Someone in pjs

Jayme makes allergy remark

"1, 2"... "eyes on you"

"If you can hear me... If you're doing this your mouth is closed"

Essence breaks the tension

Sick goat is sighted

Slides are read off as if we cannot read

Speaker has "goodies"

Table leader forgets the hourly sign in

Personal experience derails topic

Someone stole all the good candy