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Sheets 901-1000 of 1044 (Filter is off)

English mina's lingo, , x
by topaz, efx appdev team bingo
Sap Imacs Basis SharePoint Bob Paul Kate Bobj Java Html5 Microsoft Oracle Kona Topaz E...
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English City Council Buzzword Bingo, , x
by haggis, Now you can stay awake at city council meetings
Let's let these people go home It's getting late This presentation will be very brief This is a n...
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Deutsch HW Bullshit, , x
Best of HW
Eben Nämlich Weil Freund/Bekannter Nachbar Gehobener Zeigefinger Vom Ref. ignoriert Weiß nich...
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Svenska Fachschaftsbingo, , x
by FS 07, only for insinders
Kleinen Witze Loki ist nicht ansprechbar Loki gibt Nachhilfe min. 3 Leute zocken Kaffeemaschine ...
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Svenska Fachschaftsbingo, , x
by FS 07, only for insinders
Kleinen Witze Loki ist nicht nicht ansprechbar Loki gibt Nachhilfe min. 3 Leute zocken Kaffeemas...
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English back row bingo, , x
by Lindsey, block 5
Drenders gets tired holding up his arm he needs to support it Kaitlin kramer knits Singin falls as...
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Deutsch Suc***, , x
by anonym, only for insiders
Ma** hat problem mit Beamer Suc*** zeichnet Schichtenmodel Suc*** kommt zuspät Student kommt zu s...
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English Sean Mario Bingo, , x
by James, tick off what sean says
Testimony Sin Mispronounced word Yea! Spelling a word out Reading from a paper Pound the pulp...
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English St Pattys, , x
St Pattys day
Shamrock antenea Guiness shirt Green knee high socks Kiss me im irish shirt Dressed up alone Nd...
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Deutsch Procurement Bingo, , x
Procurement Buzzwords
Zirkel Transparenz Indikatoren Vorzugslieferant fundiert "zweiseitiges Schwert" ecl@ss DUNS ...
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English help , , x
Decommission Turkey point Crystal river Nuclear St. Lucie Energy Dosimeters Brc Agenda Dayt...
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English Allen Bingo, , x
corporate sillyness
Rosie Ticked & Tied Feel I have Concerns Help me understand... Pick'n up what you're put'n down...
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English Bingo, , x
Bingo Board
Elaine Elaine's parent's restaurant Dare Dare's mom Nigger Toyota drivers Fucking mexicans Gu...
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English store bingo , , x
by cody , customers
Trash talking lance armstrong Calls to ask what time we close Customer pays prostitute with radi...
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English fox news, , x
talking to crazy fox news follower
Hitler Obama Ugenics Fox News Take Social Security Bankrupt Obama Care Communist Skunky Go...
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English Weird Road Trip Bingo, , x
by Sam&Jim, Fun
Small Road Kill Illegals Crossing Sign Large Road Kill Car Accident Roadside Attraction Shoe on...
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Deutsch Jour Fixe Fleischhandel , , x
Liste für den Wochen Jourfixe des Fleischhandels
"Ich habe noch eine Kleinigkeit" Fluchen über Serviceverantwortlichen Fluchen über Team L Fluc...
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Deutsch bayerisches Zugbingo, , x
was in bayerischen Zügen nervt
Mei mo erst samma dann samma hamma nimma gschafft Unterwesch Waschmaschin Fernseh Viktuali...
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English uw, , x
katie erik kp Sarah tiara aggie nuclear yucca cry ref test pig cow adobe
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English Vasanti Bingo, , x
Vasanti Bingo
"Hmmph!" (1) "Hmmph!" (2) "Hmmph!" (3) "Hmmph!" (4) "Hmmph!" (5) "Hmmph!" (6) "Hmmph!" (7) "H...
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English xmas eve, , x
by bryan, xmas eve
Well actually Literally Sissy 4th captain and coke The biggest thing is It is what it is Per s...
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English family bingo Xmas 2012, , x
by Edwards, family bingo
Eric face in photos Eric disappears for more than 1 hour Nancy asks about Bill's Italian family tr...
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English xmas eve, , x
by bryan, xmas eve
Literally Perse It is what it is Turkey Ham Brisket 4th captain and coke The biggest thing is...
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English Airport Bingo, , x
Airport bingo...need more explained?
Kid on leash Man being emasculated by woman Dressed for wrong season Flight attendant complaining...
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English DysFUNctional Family Christmas, , x
Naud family crazy
Crutches Won't go inside Won't go downstairs "Use your words!" Manipulative crying Casual racis...
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English Anne Bingo, , x
Same shit, different day.
antibiotics steroids horses pooh git tired hugs love wonderful hamster bitchpack cornwall...
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Deutsch Fernsehen, , x
by Jan, Talkshow
Buch Film Emanzopation Kreativität Serie FDP Claudia Roth Mutti Schleichwerbung Kindhe...
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English ICT, , x
The Bottom line My house Entergy Cut and paste call nashville Stock Dude Got anything Back u...
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Francaise Bingo Pipotage, , x
by dpo, Une sélection de plus de 60 mots !
Accompagnement Accroissement Agilité Aléa Ambition Amélioration Anticipation Architecture Au...
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English graduation2, , x
adults only
Put cock in mouth Rub cock on ear Put 12 fingers in pussy Foot Fuck him Put both balls in mouth ...
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Deutsch Experimentalphysik, , x
Gut! Was bedeutet das? Warum? Perode Prof hustet Student gähnt Handy vibriert Prof lacht ...
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English Workflows, Business Processes and SOA, , x
by D., Buzzwords for Service-oriented Architectures
BPMN Human Task Resource Context Non-functional Quality of Service Activity WS* Management ...
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Deutsch Motorentechnik, , x
Sprüche aus der Vorlesung
Schrauber Kettensägen-Hersteller VfL hat verloren Tiefergelegter Polo Roller tunen Und, ähm... ...
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English Customer Excellence Bingo, , x
by Correctief, deep insight into the mixed dutch-english language of the wonderful world of customer excellence
eager(ness) doe-standje rigiditeit KPI (re)commitment waste verspilling dagstart dagstart-bo...
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English Karaoke Bingo, , x
by kj Heather, Karaoke bingo
F bomb Sings "Picture" Movie/Showtune Group song Audience sings along Slurring words Serenade ...
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English Lamer Nick's Almanac, , x
by Tantalus, What Nick says
Grape/Grain Ayyyye! It's the law know what I mean know what I'm saying? get what I'm saying Go...
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English Lamer Nick's Almanac, , x
by Tantalus, What Nick says
Grape/Grain Ayyyye! It's the law know what I mean know what I'm saying? get what I'm saying Mi...
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English Obama Speech, , x
nomination speech
Flip Flop Middle Class 1% Taxes Jobs Better Health Care Better Off Republicans Yes we can ...
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Deutsch Pharma, , x
praktisch ähhh/ehmmm und des gleichen weiteres also das wäre das hat den vorteil ... , ne! im...
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Deutsch Pharmakologie, , x
Applikation und der gleichen weitere und der gleichen mehr HAT KEINE ANTWORT AUF FRAGE Dosierung...
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English Specialist Call, , x
BRS Weekly Call
Fantastic Tremendous Opportunity Value-add It's no secret Outstanding Best Practice Result of...
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English Specialist Call, , x
Weekly call
Fantastic Tremendous Great partner Value-add Opportunity It's no secret Huge Wonderful Resp...
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English vzdubb, , x
by DM, all meetings
Leverage Synergy ROI Momentum Joe Mo Big Boy Pants 360 approach Middle of the Pack Robust L...
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English Atropa's plurk bingo, , x
by nika, (private in-joke!)
Short joke made by Ten Coding talk from Nika Lisa talks about Karate Beanraeg SCIENCE GIF emote...
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English Otakon wrong, , x
by Reckeweg, Non anime cosplay at Otakon
Katniss Gay Green Lantern Waldo Futurama Family Guy Naruto Headband Only Cat bits only Joker ...
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English everything, , x
by scutler, management bs
You guys Amazing Fantastic Future technology Happy to see you Challenging Synergy Agile Comm...
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Deutsch Kegeln, , x
by Der Gerät , Feierabend Fehltritte
Es fällt Wurstachim Lars kommt zu spät Essen kommt Musik wiederholt sich Jemand spielt mit sein...
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English Munich js , , x
by Munich js , Asdf
Scope Cloud Framework Javascript Lean Agile Scrum Learning curve IP Stack Geosat W3C ...
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Deutsch Euro 2012, , x
by Kim, Fußball
Abseitsfalle Flanke Rote Karte Latte Stürmerfoul Schwalbe Torlinie Pressing Kopfball Schlen...
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English Nuclear Bingo, , x
by buddhra, Buzzwords of the nuclear industry
engage tickler advocate proactive synergy nucular lessons learned missed opportunity dialogi...
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Francaise pipo IT, , x
by ALouis, performance synergie
Synergie Externalisation Efficience Corporate Transverse Performance Compétence Managérial P...
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Francaise Bingo Pipotage, , x
by dpo, Une sélection de plus de 60 mots !
Accompagnement Accroissement Agilité Aléa Ambition Amélioration Anticipation Architecture Au...
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Deutsch Abschlussrede, , x
by #@%$, nerviges, langwieriges Eigenlobgelaber
*Applaus* "Ich möchte ... danken..." Jemand wird gesucht Die Küche wird erwähnt "...ohne ihn wär...
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Deutsch Evaluierung, , x
by Elwood, Limit
Limit Standard Mainframe Ausnahme
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English Hörsaal , , x
by ISAF , 25 Bingo
Literaturvorschlag "sieht erstmal nicht so aus" Augen zucken Tisch vibriiert wegen Handy Dozent ...
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Deutsch Carstens Techbingi, , x
Beste Steuerung Leistungsfähig Jetzt machen sie mal halblang Können wir sachlich diskutieren? Ni...
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English TSO Meetings, , x
by Jake, Words that make me want to smack you
WILD SPACE Process Global Title Request Europe DITA/DTD R.A.P. OKTB Pre/Post Proc Template...
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Deutsch ElektroKFZ, , x
Kondensator Spule Spannung Farad zu meiner Zeit... Arbeitsblatt Ingenieur rechnen Herr Siciu...
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Deutsch Schulbingo, , x
by Waltree, Auffälligkeiten im Unterricht
Jemand hustet/nießt Jemand vergisst was er sagen wollte Der Lehrer macht einen Rechtschreibfehler ...
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Deutsch ..,, , x
by ..., fgbf
Und Auch Du Ich Annika Jörn Tim Jana Rica Christopher Grillen Scheiße Wetter Joch...
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Deutsch osterspass, , x
by anja & jens, bei oma
Tante lina Salz & pfeffer Käsesahne Löper Speckknödel Rotkohl Regen Waschmaschine Mandant L...
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English Braunsche Ostern, , x
by Gerrit, Ostern
Kanada Walze Ritschka Kirche Posaunenchor Alemannia Tivoli Eierfärben Hühnerstall Hase Lam...
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Deutsch familienfeier, , x
lahme familienfeier(ostern o.ä.)
Kai Michael Studium Heizung Terrasse Alexander Neuer Job Wetter Essen Formel 1 Geige Oste...
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Deutsch chemie vorlesung, , x
by Markus221, worte für eine chemievorlesung
Chemie Massenwirkungsgesetz Ion Elektron Proton Positron Radikal Kommilitonen Doppelbindung ...
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English Complainers bingo, , x
Complaints, aches and woes from people who love being miserable
Don't get paid enough Want to go back home (another state/city) Technology is so hard to figure ou...
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Deutsch HVS_Bür, , x
by OeLi, My first sheet
"Vito" M.K. meckert "Spenden" "Termin" "...nur ein, zwei Stündchen..." Pizza ist da "...ich se...
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English askaufel bingo, , x
by Gigaflar3, Bingo for fun!
So based upon... The other aspect... Ok... Well... So... Cool! Excellent! Done! Thank You Si...
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English the office, , x
by rex, common office buzz
Nimble Soa Domain Colaborate synergy processes governance helping hands Culture ibm Networ...
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English the office, , x
by rex, office buzz
Nimble Soa Domain Colaborate synergy processes governance helping hands Culture ibm Networ...
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Deutsch DB Buzzwords, , x
Deutsche Bank PBC Specials
CtA Synergie RTP RtB CtB P&L impact syndizieren alignen SteCo Committee delivern PBC ExC...
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English base meeting, , x
Soooooo Send me an email Freakin Or whatever Spence Fill out an incident report Let me know if...
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Deutsch Startup Bullshit, , x
by SPREEFACTORY, 25x Business Administration Bullshit
VC Corporate Early/Late stage Cash flow Break even Incubator Pitch Exit (Co)-Founder CEO S...
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Deutsch Meeping, , x
by TausN, Techniker-Bingo (sehr speziell!)
Kernkompetenz spannend Zukunft InXC gestalten gemeinsam Umzug Neubau Lounge Club familiär ...
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Deutsch bIngo, , x
by IK, Defect-/Status-Meetings
Defect approven postponen Status rot fingerpointing Verschiebung Release Leistungsumfang re...
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English everyday life, , x
by mia and cam, no, tree, cat, door
Babe *singing* slippers work Flask cuppa tea *swear* yes no mia cam greg claire *shout...
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Deutsch HSG Grundlagen finanzielle Führung 6. März, , x
by Niki, 16 aus 64 Begriffen Bingo
Gesellschaft Bilanz Aktiven Passiven Umlaufvermögen Anlagevermögen Eigenkapital Fremdkapital ...
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English staff meeting, , x
by meike, monday meeting
Vigilant Same page Follow up Get together on this
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English At the gym, , x
To help pass time on the treadmill
Infomercial Puppet Old lady Blue shirt Black shorts Tank top Cellphone colorful shoes Ipod ...
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Espanol No, , x
by Me, 25 Powerpoint-Donts
Blank Slide White Background Too much text Reading from material Broken links Sound effects Co...
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English Brands Times, , x
by Rich Bacon, hockey club committee meetings
Hockey JDC Olympics Segway Failand Astroturf Floodlights Potatoes Carpark Lock Balcony Cl...
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Francaise BSM Bingo, , x
by Bell BSM, Card For BSM All hands Meetings
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English Huckleberry Fast Sunday, , x
by MScho, Testimony Bingo
Loves Family Bury Testimony Free Space Great Ward A Hellewell Up Here Because of (person) Does...
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English everyday, , x
everyday words
Quiet! Girls! Boys! Share Turns Eat Trouble IUD Peanut No Yes Mr. Scott Mindy Todd 7 ...
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English AEB , , x
Challenge Strategy Challenging Market Innovation Business Unit Going Forward Leverage Detica...
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Deutsch pohland bingo , , x
by danik, moep
Scope jetzt mal im ernst Service Risiko/riskanalyse funnel wuppke laptops zu prozess mi...
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Deutsch TVSheetAM, , x
Formel 1 Corporate Identity Skalierbarkeit Handy klingelt Aufbruch Umschwung Übernahme Verbes...
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English vit, , x
by yannick, hebdo
Review Strategy Kpi Design Architect Workflow Core team Configuration Dfq Ram Safety Esti...
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English Fast Sunday Bingo, , x
by strykerx, Fast Sunday Bingo
Free Space Sports Sin Confession Thank-a-Mony Short but Sweet Its been hard... Cry-a-mony Unf...
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English first, , x
by aino, first
Eat food kids Future education science math generation engineering america provide inspir...
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English ICAO, , x
Accident Rate Collaborative Framework Initiatives Safety Programme Harmonize SARPs Mandate ...
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English T2 bingo, , x
by anon, Tele2 bingo
Common sense Silo Scrum Kanban Agile Flexibility Quality Cost Conscious Synergy Action Cha...
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English Derailing Bingo Autism Edition, , x
by Liz Ditz, All the ways people derail conversations about autism
If You Won't Educate Me How Can I Learn If You Cared About These Matters You'd Be Willing To Educa...
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English Commercial Production, , x
commercial and advertising production
Film Video Talent Vision Epic Delays Overview Buyout AfterEffects Testing Viral Cannes O...
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English Game of Thrones, , x
by Catsnspace, While watching a Game of Thrones
Boobs Blood almost Death Death physical threat verbal threat "Fuck" "Whore" "Throne" "Drago...
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English Motivation 2011, , x
by Ben, Employee motivation
Innovation Excellence On-Time Delivery Root-Cause Analysis Customer Satisfaction Commitment Do...
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English Munich js , , x
by Munich js , Asdf
Scope Cloud Framework Javascript Lean Agile Scrum Learning curve [tb]dd Kicker HTML5...
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English IT Bingo, , x
by Alex Smith, all the IT buzz words
Essentially Touch base Alignment At the end of the day Best practices Bring to the table Buzzw...
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English dougie fresh, , x
Skates Talk to animals References animals Directions Brita Montreal Food/restaurants Derogato...
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English bedroom bingo, , x
adult bedroom bingo
Blowjob facial Blowjob swallow Pussy licked Hands down panties Hand down boxers Spanked girl S...
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English bedroom bingo, , x
adult bedroom bingo
Blowjob facial Blowjob swallow Pussy licked Hands down panties Hand down boxers Spanked girl S...
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