
Super owl LIII, by Paul


[ ] There's a 20+ yard pass.

[ ] A player cries.

[ ] A car commercial makes you cry.

[ ] The camera shows a celebrity in the crowd.

[ ] A player kisses his fingers and points to the sky.

[ ] A player is penalized for anything.

[ ] There's a field goal.

[ ] There's an interception.

[ ] There's a baby or animal in the commercial.

[ ] yells at a referee

[ ] hints that this could be Tom Brady and Bill Belichick's final season

[ ] a coaches challenge

[ ] tries to convince you that the Rams have a chance to win.

[ ]  a commercial makes a heavy-handed appeal at wokeness. 

[ ] someone makes a first down

[ ] someone on screen has their face painted

[ ] one of the players shows up in a commercial

[ ] someone at the party is falling asleep in the corner

[ ] Someone makes a touchdown

[ ] Justin Timberlake survives the halftime show without a malfunction -OR- there is a wardrobe malfunction (fingers crossed)

[ ] Camera shows wide pan stadium's city

[ ] Fireworks go off

Player injured

Overly cooked tv graphics

Slow motion yelling