Childfree Bingo

Common responses to saying you have chosen to stay childfree., by


You would make such a good parent

What about carrying the family name

You were a child once too

People like you should have kids

Who will take care of you when you're older

You'll regret it later

It's different when they're your own

The children are our future

What if your parents never had children

When they're your own it's worth it

Don't you want genetic immortality

It's selfish to not have kids

The Bible says "go forth and multiply"

You haven't understood XYZ until you've had kids

Don't your parents want grandchildren

Your biological clock is ticking

Aren't you curious to see what they would look like

It's human nature to procreate

Don't you like kids

Wait until you've been married for a bit longer

You'll change your mind later

There's nothing like looking at something you made

Nothing is as amazing as being loved by your child

You're child could grow up to cure cancer

But babies are so cute!